
Matango, also known by its English translation titles Attack of the Mushroom People and Fungus of Terror , is a decidedly interesting horror film from Ishiro Honda , the director who gave the world Godzilla. As with his better known work, Honda fits serious themes into a horror / sci-fi premise, using this story of a group of people stranded on an island with a serious fungal issue into a metaphor for various societal ills, including the class divide and drug abuse. Matango is based on the William Hope Hodgson short story " The Voice in the Night ," in which the narrator encounters a shipwrecked man who has fallen victim to fungi on a deserted island. Honda remains faithful to the basic concept of the story, adapting it to film by removing the narrator and concentrating on the people stranded on the island rather than the lone survivor. The film follows the survivors of a ship that was damaged during a storm and runs aground on a desert island. The castaways include ...